3 min read

My life thesis (v1)

My life thesis (v1)

I've spent much of my life caught up in the ego thirst for proving my worth through achievements, possessions, and relationships. I've worked hard to build my career, acquire things, and showcase my skills to others. But as I've grown and reflected, I've realized that true happiness comes from learning to relax and enjoy the present moment. This realization has become the guiding principle of my life, a thesis that shapes my perspective on the world and my place in it. It's a simple truth that has the power to transform the way we live and interact with each other.

AI and robotics will help us reach global harmony

With rapid advancements in AI and robotics, most jobs will become automated, and life will become more harmonious. For most of us, the future will be about enjoying life, relaxing, creating art, music, and connecting with others. In the next 20 years, we are going to live through the biggest change in the history of humankind. This change will bring about a new era of abundance and leisure, where we can focus on the things that truly matter to us. There is no need to kill ourselves with worries, fears and need for performance. Global happiness is coming, and you can reach it today by embracing this new perspective.

Most of us are stuck in stupid jobs

Many people today are working in jobs that don't provide much value to society, and we've created a culture of excessive consumption that's harming our planet. We spend countless hours working on tasks that feel meaningless, all in the pursuit of material wealth and status. But what if we could break free from this cycle? If we consume more consciously, we'll have less need for these stupid jobs, and we can focus on supporting those who are doing truly important work. And free our time to play and have more fun in our lives. A simple shift in perspective that can have a big impact on our happiness… and the health of our planet.

We are all one

If you look with a higher perspective - try to look with an alien perspective :D - all humans are a single organism that operates more or less with the same needs: breathe oxygen, eat food, sleep, and be seen and loved. We are all connected, all part of the same human family, alive for eternity. Once we realize that we're all one, we don't need to compete with each other anymore or try to be better than anyone else. We can relax, enjoy life, and love each other. If we all agree on this and stop comparing ourselves to others, we start living in paradise. In much of the world, we already have enough food, technology, and support to live happily and safely. It's just a matter of shifting our mindset, helping each other and embracing our common humanity.

Back to the first principles of life

Back to basics. Let's focus on what we need to live and thrive, and let's support those who are lost or working on things that truly matter. We don't need to complicate things. We need to think about growing together as a human tribe, not constantly trying to compete with each other, trying to get more to feed our traumatized egos. It's time to heal our collective wounds and create a world where everyone can flourish. By returning to the first principles of life, we can rediscover the simple joys and beauty that surround us every day.

Embracing unity and harmony

As I continue on my spiritual journey, I'm learning to embrace the wisdom of simplicity and unity more each day. It's not always easy, but I know that it's the path to true happiness. By letting go of my ego and opening my heart to others, I've found a sense of peace and purpose that I never knew was possible. And this is a journey we can all take together. Let's embrace the present moment and the simple joys of life. Because, in the end, that's what it's all about – living with love, compassion, and connection, here and now.